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Public Notice: License Amendment Application - Anadarko Petroleum Corporation, WYSUA-1310, TFN 7 1/008

The Anadarko Petroleum Corporation of 1099 18th Street, Suite 1800 Denver, CO 80202 has applied for an amendment of its Source Material License WYSUA-1310 Amendment 53 from the Land Quality Division of the Department of Environmental Quality of the State of Wyoming. The license area associated with the former uranium mining operation is located in: Township 38 North, Range 73 West, 6th P.M. Section 09: S½S½NE¼, S½ and Section 16: Converse County, Wyoming. The Bear Creek site is located approximately forty-five (45) miles northeast of Casper, Wyoming and thirty-seven (37) miles north-northwest of Douglas, Wyoming. The nearest town is Glenrock, Wyoming, which is approximately twenty-nine (29) miles south-southwest of the site. This area can be found on the Bear Creek, WY and Coal Draw South, WY USGS quadrangle map(s). The mining and milling operation began in 1977 and operated until 1986. Reclamation was completed in 1988. The land, after mining, has been returned to agricultural use. Anadarko Petroleum Corporation is seeking to amend the above referenced Source Material License to reflect the current status of the reclaimed site.

The Department of Environmental Quality has issued initial approval to the Anadarko Petroleum license amendment application. Information regarding this initial draft decision and the application may be reviewed in the Office of the Land Quality Division, Department of Environmental Quality in Cheyenne or in the Converse County Clerk's Office, Douglas, Wyoming. A complete index sheet identifying all proposed changes is included with the amendment application available for public viewing along with the initial draft decision. Written comments or objections to the proposed license amendment must be received by the Administrator of the Land Quality Division, Department of Environmental Quality, 200 W. 17th Street, Suite 10, Cheyenne, WY 82002, before the close of business on January 17th, 2025. Objections may also be submitted by the same deadline via the Land Quality Division’s electronic comment portal at https://lq.wyomingdeq.commentinput.com/. Only the amendment is open for public review. If an objection specifically requests a public hearing with the Department and is found to be an aggrieved party as defined in W.S. §35-11-103(a)(vii), a public hearing shall be held after the final date for filing objections. The Wyoming Oil and Gas Commission will be mailed a copy of the application mine plan map as required in W.S. §35-11-406(j).

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