The House could vote as early as this evening on H.R. 9495, an extremely dangerous bill some are calling the defund nonprofits and philanthropy bill.
If passed, this bill would grant sweeping new powers to Donald Trump to strip 501c3 non-profit status from any philanthropy or organization like the NAACP or Planned Parenthood merely by accusing them of things that are already illegal and for which there is already a due process to handle.
The Intercept reports, "The new bill would slash through the pesky red tape of due process, presumption of innocence, and other protections."
This power should not be given to any administration. Giving it to a president who campaigned on vengeance and called those who oppose him "the enemy within," is a recipe for disaster.
Then, can you call Rep. Brendan Boyle and tell him you oppose this bill. Congress should protect non-profits from vengeful presidential administrations – not make them a target for political retribution.
Yes! I'll call now. Give me Rep. Boyle's phone number and a script I can use.
No, I can't call right now, but I will donate to PCCC's work giving Democrats BACKBONE.
On the House Floor, Rep. Lloyd Doggett (TX-35) summed up the stakes last week:
"This bill authorizes Donald Trump to recklessly impose a death penalty on any nonprofit in America that happens to be on his enemies list. With this bill, he can destroy the very life of civil society in this country, one group after another...He could target organizations that assist refugees for harboring terrorists, Planned Parenthood or a hospital for the alleged terror of abortion, an environmental group mislabeled as an ecoterrorist, a private university that permits too many anti Trump demonstrations."
What's more, this law could also put donors at risk. One expert told The Intercept, "It could target major liberal funders who support Palestinian solidarity and peace groups who engage in protest. But it could also theoretically be used to target pro-choice groups, and I could see it being used against environmental groups."
Then, can you call Rep. Brendan Boyle?
No, but I'll donate to PCCC's work giving Democrats in Congress some backbone.
Thanks for being a bold progressive.
-- The PCCC Team