It looks like we’re going to miss our fundraising goal tonight, folks —

It’s completely understandable that our numbers have taken a dip in recent weeks. Our average donation has dropped significantly since last quarter and fewer people are opening these emails.

But I have to be honest: we weren't prepared to fall this short of our goal.

My team has pulled all of our in-person events and moved our fundraising operation entirely online. That makes grassroots donations to messages like this more important than ever before. I rely on folks like you chipping in what you can.

So with that in mind, can you donate $10 or more before our mid-quarter deadline at midnight? It’s going to be close, but I think we can make it if enough people step up.

Donate now

I appreciate anything you can give right now. But listen, I only want you to donate if you can. Too many people are facing financial hardship and the most important thing to me is that you and your loved ones stay safe and healthy during this difficult time.

— Jon