From ADL Washington, D.C. <[email protected]>
Subject ADL Washington, D.C. Regional Update
Date May 15, 2020 6:07 PM
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ADL Regional update

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ADL Records 87 Antisemitic Acts Across DC Region in 2019, 12 Percent Increase Nationally

The 2019 ADL Audit of Antisemitic Incidents, released this week, found that there were on average as many as six antisemitic incidents in the United States for each day in the calendar year &ndash; the highest level of antisemitic activity ever recorded by ADL. According to the new data from ADL, there were 2,107 acts of antisemitic hate across the United States in 2019, a 12 percent increase from 2018. There was also a 56 percent increase in antisemitic assaults and five fatalities.

Antisemitic incidents declined overall in the District of Columbia, Maryland, North Carolina and Virginia in 2019, bucking a national trend that saw total incidents in the United States reach an all-time high. The Washington, D.C. region experienced a total of 87 incidents combined.

&ldquo;While we have seen a welcome decrease in total antisemitic incidents reported across our region, we still remain concerned about the increase in vandalism and the increase in acts of hate that took place at Jewish institutions,&rdquo; said Doron F. Ezickson, ADL Vice President of the Mid-Atlantic/Midwest Division. &ldquo;Even one antisemitic incident is one too many. We all have a responsibility to remain vigilant and work together to strengthen our communities collectively against the effects of bias and bigotry.&rdquo;

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ADL D.C. Offers First Words to Action Trainings Virtually

This week, ADL's regional staff implemented its
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Words to Action training programs in a virtual format, providing a new opportunity to engage in ADL's education programming as stay-at-home orders remain in effect throughout the D.C. region. These virtual trainings equipped participants with knowledge and skills to recognize and respond to antisemitism they may encounter in their communities, schools, or social media platforms. As the ADL D.C. team rises to the challenge of fighting hate remotely during this period of social distancing, these trainings mark an important first step toward launching new, virtual training programs that can continue ADL's critical work in these challenging times.

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On Social Media, Haredi and Orthodox Jewish Communities are Scapegoated and Blamed for COVID-19

Over the past several months, ADL has seen a significant increase in antisemitic social media posts and commentary targeting the Haredi and Orthodox Jewish communities in New York and New Jersey, especially in relation to COVID-19. These posts have blamed the Orthodox community for the spread of the virus, suggested that Orthodox and Haredi Jews should be denied medical treatment if they get sick, called on law enforcement to use water hoses and tear gas to stop Haredi and Orthodox community members from gathering, and even indicated that the Orthodox Jewish community should be wiped off the planet once and for all.

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ADL Welcomes Senate Passage of Never Again Education Act

This week, ADL welcomed Senate passage of the
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Never Again Education Act, H.R. 943 , which would provide federal funding to help give teachers across the country the necessary resources to teach about the Holocaust in their classrooms. The bill passed the House on January 27 and now goes to the President for his signature.

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ADL Calls for Platforms to Take Action to Address Hate Online During Pandemic

At ADL, we are watching in real time how the spread of the coronavirus is opening the doors to a new surge of online hate and bigotry targeting Jews, Asians and Asian-Americans, Muslims and immigrants, among others. Times of turmoil and great anxiety have always offered fertile ground for hate and extremism targeting those considered the dangerous &ldquo;other.&rdquo;

ADL has engaged directly with private technology companies, including Facebook, about their content moderation practices during the pandemic. Many tech companies sent their human content moderation teams home, but this left their platforms to be predominantly moderated by automated systems &ndash; and often automated systems are tuned towards leniency.

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ADL CEO's Letter to NYT Editor on Israel Defense Ministry&rsquo;s Efforts to Combat COVID

ADL CEO Jonathan Greenblatt wrote a
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letter to the editor last week in response to a
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New York Times article that unfairly characterizes the Israeli Defense Ministry&rsquo;s research-and-development arm.

"It&rsquo;s really unfortunate that your otherwise legitimate and important story about how Israel&rsquo;s military is developing innovative responses to the Covid-19 pandemic starts out with language accusing the Defense Ministry of being &ldquo;best known for pioneering cutting-edge ways to kill people and blow things up,&rdquo; Greenblatt wrote.

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Fighting Hate From Home Webinar Review: Is there more antisemitic activity than ever?

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ADL CEO Jonathan Greenblatt and our Center on Extremism team discussed the results of our 40th annual Audit of Antisemitic Incidents in America and its far-ranging implications. Poway, Jersey City and Monsey topped the list of deadly incidents in 2019 and other forms of hate against Jews like harassment, assaults and antisemitic graffiti were reported in nearly every state, and affected people of every age, from K-12 students to older adults.

Last week,
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National Urban League leader Marc Morial joined ADL&rsquo;s CEO, Jonathan Greenblatt to explore the disproportionate consequences of COVID-19 on this country&rsquo;s most vulnerable communities, and the need to make rebuilding efforts equitable, whether in financial aid or access to healthcare support. Morial also talked about the National Urban League&rsquo;s role as an &ldquo;economic first responder&rdquo; to the crisis.

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ADL Calls Out Steam for Giving Extremists a Pass

Steam, the largest and most important online store for PC gamers with over $4 Billion in revenue in 2017, has recently gained popularity among white supremacists for being a platform, like Gab and Telegram, where they can openly express their ideology and calls for violence.
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Wired Magazine
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reported on ADL's work on combatting hate in the gaming space
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Thank You Helpers - Send a Message of Support to Our Brave Frontline

While ADL keeps the fight against antisemitism, bigotry and hate going amid this pandemic, we are beyond grateful to our brave heroes on the frontlines around the world keeping us safe and fighting the coronavirus.

Please join ADL in showing these individuals our gratitude and support.
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Click here to share your message of thanks and appreciation for the COVID-19 frontline workers , including but not limited to: community service workers, first responders, healthcare workers, law enforcement officials, scientists, and all other essential service workers and helpers assisting our communities.

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