PLUS: The missing pieces from the HEROES Act, and a new report from PPI Strategic Adviser Paul Bledsoe.
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Former Governors, Experts Join PPI for Important Health Care Conversation
The coronavirus pandemic has had profound social and economic consequences but it also has moved the national health care debate beyond the narrow focus on universal coverage, to a larger question of how to address the disparities which underlie disease. We’ve seen the disproportionate impact the pandemic has had on underserved populations. Former Governors John Kitzhaber, MD and Jack Markell, as well as special guest Gerard Anderson, Ph.D., discuss how to reform health care delivery and payment to improve outcomes.
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Podcast: Necessary, but Not Free
by Ben Ritz and Brendan McDermott, Center for Funding America's Future
On the latest Facing the Future ([link removed]) podcast, Concord Coalition Executive Director Bob Bixby ([link removed]) , Director of the Progressive Policy Institute’s Center for Funding America’s Future, Ben Ritz ([link removed]) , and Fiscal Policy Analyst, Brendan McDermott ([link removed]) , joined Concord Coalition’s Chase Hagaman for a discussion of PPI’s recent publication titled “A Roadmap to Recovery ([link removed]) ” and deficit figures from the CBO’s monthly budget review.
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The Coronavirus Pandemic Showed Why We Need Shorter, Simpler Supply Chains
by Michael Mandel, Chief Economic Strategist
The pandemic’s impact on the economy is the equivalent of scrambling the pieces of a puzzle and then trying to put it back together in a new shape. But one thing is clear: the U.S. economy needs shorter supply chains that can react more quickly in crisis situations. Our inability to generate enough personal protective equipment (PPE ([link removed]) ) and enough testing swabs ([link removed]) , months into the pandemic, is simply unacceptable. Better resilience and flexibility are achievable goals.
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Donald Trump’s legacy is truth decay
by Will Marshall, PPI President
Our country is reeling under the dual onslaught of COVID-19 and runaway unemployment, but there’s one person who’s willing to give President Trump high marks for handling the situation: Donald Trump. “I think in a certain way, maybe our best work has been on what we’ve done with COVID-19,” he mused in an interview last week.
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House HEROES Act Gets The Trade-Offs Wrong
by Ben Ritz, Center for Funding America's Future
The U.S. House of Representatives is moving ahead with plans to vote today on the Health and Economic Recovery Omnibus Emergency Solutions (HEROES) Act: the fifth – and potentially final – piece of major legislation addressing the coronavirus pandemic and its economic effects. The 1800-page bill ([link removed]) is estimated to cost roughly $3 trillion and contains a mix of both good policies and bad, but is perhaps most notable for what it leaves out: automatic stabilizers ([link removed]) .
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Jumpstarting U.S. Clean Energy Manufacturing in Economic Stimulus and Infrastructure Legislation
by Paul Bledsoe, Strategic Adviser
In his 2016 campaign, candidate Donald Trump famously promised to revitalize American manufacturing and to pass major legislation to rebuild crumbling U.S. infrastructure. So far, in more than three years as President, he has done neither.
But in the face of the unprecedented COVID crisis, economic downturn and the worst unemployment since the Great Depression, many Democrats and some Republicans have begun to urge enactment of ambitious economic stimulus and recovery legislation, including a major infrastructure bill with a job-creating focus.
Properly structured stimulus and infrastructure legislation could help jumpstart U.S. manufacturing, which was already slumping badly under Trump throughout 2019, long before the COVID-crisis. In particular, the U.S. has an opportunity to create high-paying jobs and production in the fast-growing clean energy manufacturing sector, an industry that has been dominated by our global competitors, especially China, for the last decade.
Clean energy manufacturing represents perhaps the biggest single new growth opening for American industry in the coming years, as the transition to zero-carbon global and domestic economies creates unprecedented demand for dozens of clean energy technologies to address climate change. The U.S. is especially well-positioned to capture these markets as our national and corporate laboratories have created far more clean energy innovation breakthroughs than any other nation.
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