Plus, behind-the-scenes stories of these compelling images – and the photos of the century (so far)
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This is the big enchilada, the pick of the top photos submitted to us all year. Above, Nat Geo Explorer Prasenjeet Yadav went to last home in the wild of these extra-wide-striped tigers—which are particularly shy and skittish. It is one of our Pictures of the Year. |
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The Fuego volcano in Guatemala has been erupting nearly every day since 2002. |
From the falling World Trade Center towers to BLM protests, from a path-breaking face transplant to the last moments of a rhino species, National Geographic photographers have been captured this turbulent century. Here is one image per year. (Above, a three-year-old cheetah, part of Joel Sartore’s Photo Ark collection of thousands of vulnerable species.) |
Today’s Soundtrack: Heartbeats, José González
Thanks for opening today’s special Photography newsletter. David Beard edited and curated it, and Alisher Egamov produced it. Like what you see? Sign up here to get our Health newsletter tomorrow and/or our next Photo of the Week newsletter on Sunday. |
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