Conservative Justice Rebecca Bradley doubles-down on her comments comparing Governor Evers' life-saving safer-at-home order to Japanese internment camps.
This kind of rhetoric has no place in our public discourse. We
need a MAJOR response to condemn this ridiculous attack.
Let's respond by injecting our online campaign with $5,000 in
the next 24 hours so we can send this message to the GOP:
We are not giving up the fight to protect Wisconsinites!
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Just because the Supreme Court says it's ok to go back to
normal doesn't mean science does. We need folks to continue
staying home, practicing social distancing, frequently washing
their hands, and only traveling for necessity.
While Democrats are focusing on science and safety, Republicans
have tried at every turn to capitalize on this crisis to grab
more power.
We need to respond by organizing harder than ever before to
elect more Democrats. Click here to send your support to our
digital teams who are working overtime to fight for you.
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WisDemsPaid for by the Democratic Party of Wisconsin
Ben Wikler, Chair
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