News from Representative Allred

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May 15, 2020

Dear Friend,

Texas has begun reopening parts of the economy, but the battle against the coronavirus is still underway. The pandemic continues, with necessary closures and preventative measures altering our daily routines -- all with the goal of flattening the curve and keeping people safe. As your Representative, listening to you helps me reflect North Texas values in Washington.

Please take a moment to let me know how you feel about coronavirus mitigation efforts.

Do you wear a mask when you are in public spaces like the grocery store?

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*By participating in the survey you will join Rep. Allred’s email list

Doing your part can save lives. CDC recommendations such as wearing face masks, practicing social distancing, and staying six feet apart have helped slow the spread of the coronavirus and reduce the risk of overwhelming our health care systems. I applaud North Texans for their consideration and sacrifice in following these guidelines. In doing so, we protect our fellow North Texans, especially our essential workers and the more vulnerable among us. We all have a critical part to play in stopping this virus. 

Our region has seen consecutive days at a peak in the number of coronavirus cases. The time has come to shift from a reactive approach to a proactive approach against the coronavirus. I support enacting a comprehensive plan of testing, contact tracing and treatment. An aggressive plan of attack will allow us to get back to normal safely. By increasing the number of tests and expanding tracing, we can better identify positive cases of COVID-19 and their contacts, and move to treat those individuals before the coronavirus has a chance to spread.

I will continue to advocate for the public health and speedy economic recovery of North Texas. I appreciate your input; please share your thoughts with me through the survey.


Colin Allred
Member of Congress

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