Here’s the situation, John:
FIRST: Congress introduced H.R. 9495, the Stop Terror-Financing and Tax Penalties on American Hostages Act, which would give the Treasury Department unchecked authority to declare ANY nonprofit they don’t like a “terrorist supporting organization.”
That label would strip the nonprofit of its tax-exempt status and upend political discourse as we know it. The Executive Branch (A.K.A. the president) would be able to dismantle any organization that speaks out against it.
That’s not how our democracy is supposed to work.
IN RESPONSE, we sounded the alarm to this incredible network of young voters, urging you to tell your representatives to vote NO.
Thanks largely to the thousands of people from every state who flooded Congress’ inboxes with messages denouncing H.R. 9495, the bill was voted down last week.
BUT NOW, H.R. 9495 is back with a vote scheduled for TOMORROW, and anti-free-speech Republicans are determined to make sure it passes.
We can’t let that happen, John.
We’re sounding the alarm AGAIN and urging everyone to add their name and DEMAND that Congress votes NO on H.R. 9495. Our right to free speech is on the line. |
LFG ✊✊🏾✊🏻✊🏽
NextGen America