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COVID-19 Gender Update

For the latest updates on COVID-19 and gender equality, visit UN Women's dedicated In Focus pages:  
Global | Africa | Americas & the Caribbean | Arab States | Asia & the Pacific | Europe & Central Asia


Project Syndicate: The Pandemic’s Gender Imperative

Co-signed commentary by Shirley Ayorkor Botchwey, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Regional Integration, Ghana; Kamina Johnson-Smith, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade, Jamaica; Kang Kyung-wha, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Republic of Korea; Retno Marsudi, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Indonesia; Grace Naledi Mandisa Pandor, Minister of International Relations and Cooperation, South Africa; Marise Payne, Minister for Foreign Affairs, Australia; Ine Marie Eriksen Søreide, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Norway; and Phumzile Mlambo-Ngcuka, Executive Director of UN Women.
Republic TV: Coronavirus: UN Women Deputy Executive Director Anita Bhatia Speaks On India's COVID-19 Battle

Video interview with UN Women Deputy Executive Director Anita Bhatia
Devex: Why focusing on gender-based violence is a priority in a crisis

Interview with UN Women Deputy Executive Director Åsa Regnér


Press release: Gender equality experts recommend key actions for COVID-19 response and recovery for G7 leaders

As the pandemic is moving beyond a global health crisis and morphing into a labour market, social and economic crisis, UN Women, the European Commission and the International Labour Organization convened Ministers, CEOs, and business associations, trade unions, civil society and academia representatives at a high-level roundtable to put forth actions for G7 Member States to foster resilient and regenerative societies and economies and build the world we want post-pandemic. Read more »

Press Release: UN Women delivers lifeline support to women’s and grassroots organizations for COVID-19 response

Recognizing the imperative that local civil society organizations working on the front lines of the crisis are appropriately funded, UN Women announced its support to the critical work of grassroots women’s organizations through two innovative financing initiatives, the UN Trust Fund to End Violence against Women and the Women’s Peace and Humanitarian Fund. Read more »

Meeting of African Ministers for Gender and Women’s Affairs on a gendered framework in COVID-19 response and recovery

UN Women and the African Union, in partnership with the UN Economic Commission for Africa, hosted the inaugural meeting of African Ministers for Gender and Women’s Affairs on 12 May with a focus on how to mitigate the impacts of COVID-19 on African women and girls in response and recovery efforts. Read more »


Unpaid care work: Your daily load and why it matters

The back bone of thriving families, communities and economies, unpaid care and domestic work largely falls on women — and has only increased during the pandemic. There’s one universal truth: When it comes to unpaid work, not everyone is in the same boat. What does your boat look like? Find out »
Extra things to thank Moms for in 2020 
Fathers in Turkey take on more childcare responsibilities during COVID-19
Share the care! Check out our International #DayOfFamilies social media package and our #HeForSheAtHome campaign.


New pioneering effort to protect women and children in quarantine centres during COVID-19 
Take Five: "What we are going through right now is a life lesson for everyone."
Temporary shelters set up to quarantine safely domestic violence survivors

Click here for more stories.


UN Women statement for the International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia, Interphobia and Transphobia

Around the world, the COVID-19 pandemic is exacerbating existing inequalities, including those based on sexual orientation, gender identity and sex characteristics, with often-devastating impacts for LGBTIQ+ people, who are already among the most marginalized and excluded. Today – and every day – UN Women urgently calls on communities and governments around the world to stand up for LGBTIQ+ rights.

Read statement: English | Español | Français
Gender equality HeForShe volunteers take over social media to raise awareness on COVID-19 and gender equality in Jordan
Informal economy From where I stand: "I hope that people in my country and in the rest of the world take the health situation seriously"


Brief: Spotlight on SDG 8 - The impact of marriage and children on labour market participation

In addition to being a health crisis, the pandemic is an economic and social crisis. Families — and women within them — are juggling an increase in unpaid care work as well as losses in income and paid work. Lone mothers, in particular, are acutely vulnerable, unable to share the care burden, and more likely to work for low pay and in vulnerable occupations. Read more »

Related link: Gendered social norms continue to shape labour force participation, new data show

Data dive: Qualitative data is key to ensuring no one gets left behind by the coronavirus response

The first confirmed COVID-19 case in Colombia was registered on 6 March 2020. By early May, the national count totalled 8,959, while the global count has surpassed 3.7 million. The little sex-disaggregated data available shows a puzzling trend: more men are dying from COVID-19 than women. But this data – which is deeply important for scientific research and public health policies – doesn’t cover all of the gendered impacts of the virus. Qualitative data is also needed. Read more »

Click here for more resources. 


Happy International Day of Families

Today, on International #DayOfFamilies, we're celebrating the importance of family and the central role women are playing within them during the COVID-19 pandemic. Share messages of support and solidarity with the global community impacted by #COVID19 by using messages from UN Women's social media package, available in English, French and Spanish.

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