The letter headed your way . . . note the First Things coaster!

This letter is headed your way . . . note the FIRST THINGS coaster!

Dear Reader,

You would be right to detect the irony. I’m sending you an email extolling the written, printed word.

To be clear, FIRST THINGS is committed to reaching as many people as we possibly can. In 2024, doing so requires healthy digital channels.

But the bread-and-butter of FIRST THINGS is our print magazine. With more and more things—including publications—becoming digital-only, FIRST THINGS remains a proud apologist for the written, printed word.

As Amazon stealthily purges disagreeable content from its digital books and Facebook censors posts it finds distasteful, in FIRST THINGS you will always have the genuine article: a tactile, unmodifiable magazine delivered right to your mailbox.

So, as my colleagues and I print, fold, stuff, and mail our year-end campaign letter to you, please consider a generous year-end gift to champion the written, printed word with us.

Or, in the spirit of my note, mail FIRST THINGS a donation check to our office at 9 East 40th Street, Floor 10, New York, NY 10016. My colleague Ellie will be at the ready to receive it!


R. R. Reno