Hi John.
I know Kansans are exhausted by the divisive rhetoric they’ve heard for the last several months.
This must be a time to reflect, heal, and find common ground. It's natural for everyone to have honest disagreements. But at the end of the day, we’re all Americans first – not Republicans or Democrats.
It’s in that spirit of continuing to push for bipartisan cooperation that I’m looking forward to serving you in the 119th Congress.

On January 3, 2025, I'll take my oath of office to begin serving the Kansas Third District for another two years.
There's definitely a lot of work to do as we move forward. That begins with building an economy that works for everyone.
I know people are struggling with higher prices. That's why my focus will continue to be pushing for concrete and bipartisan solutions to make life more affordable. That means lowering costs for groceries, gas, housing, health care, and so much more. I hope lowering costs in particular will be an area for bipartisan cooperation.
But regardless of the subject, I'll work to find common ground whenever I can. That includes working with the House Majority, and our new President-elect, Donald Trump. Kansans are pragmatic and expect their leaders to work together to make a difference.
At the same time, I'll remain an independent voice for Kansans and never compromise on our values. I’ll work with either party when they're right, and stand up to either party when they're wrong. A core part of that is fighting to protect fundamental freedoms, especially reproductive rights, no matter what. Respect for the rule of law, democracy, decency, and compassion are core Kansan and American values.
Going forward, my job remains to serve every person and corner of our community – regardless of party. Whether we agree on every issue or not is beside the point. Everyone deserves a government that works for them – not just for special interests, big corporations, or the extremes of either party.
It's an incredible honor to serve you. If you have any questions or concerns, always feel free to contact me.
My warmest regards,
Sharice L. Davids Member of Congress
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Remember, if you ever need help right away with the federal government – anything from backlogged veterans’ benefits to stalled tax refunds – please contact my office in Overland Park at (913) 621-0832. You’re also welcome to contact my office to share your concerns on any issue.