TELL THE U.S. HOUSE: Republicans and some Democrats are pushing legislation THIS WEEK that would be a giant gift for Trump to use to crush his political enemies. Sign the petition: Block legislation that would empower Trump to crush America’s civil society organizations that are critical to preserving democracy.
Hi, Republicans are working overtime to ram through a dangerous bill that would allow Trump to unilaterally destroy nonprofit organizations that oppose his extreme anti-democratic agenda.1 After Republicans and some Democrats in the U.S. House supported this legislation last week, the GOP are bringing it back for a vote this week.2 All Trump would need to do is get his Treasury secretary to label an organization as “terrorist supporting” — no evidence or real justification needed.3 Trump has threatened to jail journalists and get retribution against political foes4 — why would Democrats help him do that? The legislation is cynically titled the so-called “Stop Terror-Financing and Tax Penalties on American Hostages Act,” even though it provides these extreme powers that have nothing to do with terrorism. No administration should be trusted with this kind of sweeping, arbitrary authority, and certainly not a president who has spent months pledging to weaponize the federal government to take revenge on political opponents.5 The American Civil Liberties Union said of the legislation, “This is about stifling dissent and to chill advocacy, because people are going to avoid certain things and take certain positions in order to avoid this designation.”6 Demand Progress joined over 100 nonprofit organizations in a letter to Congress opposing this reckless legislation. Now, as Republicans continue to pursue this democracy killing bill, we urgently need to tell Congress that the country opposes this legislation. Sign the petition: Tell Congress to stop this dangerous power grab! Thanks for taking action, Sources:
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