Join Abortion Access Force tonight for the latest installment of our hilarious weekly online recap show of Hulu's Mrs. America!

Pour yourself a Harvey Bible-Banger, make sure you're caught up through episode #6 of Mrs. America on Hulu, and then at 9pm ET tune in on Youtube, Instagram, Facebook or Twitter for our freewheeling Friday-night recap show!

Joining Lizz Winstead and co-hosts Moji Alawode-El and Molly Gaebe this week is is brilliant author, journalist, and CNN contributor Joan Walsh! This week we're supposed to *gulp* sympathize with a Republican woman who *legit surprise face* actually believes in abortion rights! You know we'll have a lot to say!

Phyllis: The Schlaftershow
Friday, May 15th at 9pm ET

Abortion Access Force's Youtube, Instagram, Facebook, or Twitter
RSVP to watch right here!



We Demand More is a coalition of organizations using our collective power to fight for the courageous women workers and caretakers, especially women of color, who are on the front lines of the COVID-19 crisis and who are particularly vulnerable to its impact. Their lives, livelihoods, and families depend on lawmakers and business leaders doing more — and we need everyone to demand more. Abortion Access Force has joined the We Demand More coalition to fight for five demands from Congress and corporate leaders:

  1. Prioritize our health and safety ahead of corporations.
  2. Get life-sustaining relief to us NOW. 
  3. Make state governments strong; they are our lifeline. 
  4. Stop the attacks on our reproductive health care.
  5. Protect our safety and our right to vote in 2020.

Have you signed the petition yet?! Do it quick right here!

Women on the front lines deserve to be thanked and acknowledged, but at the end of the day, thoughts, prayers, and inaction don’t pay the bills or ensure access to health care. We need Congress to put the lives of women first by providing economic relief, protecting access to sexual and reproductive care, and defending our right to vote.

That’s why on Tuesday, May 19, we’re flooding senators’ phone lines so they hear us loud and clear. Mark your calendar now to help us demand more for women and families during the COVID-19 crisis!


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