The Possibility of a 'Golden Age' in the Middle East
by Majid Rafizadeh • November 16, 2024 at 5:00 am
Iran launched from its own soil hundreds of ballistic missiles, cruise missiles and attack drones at Israel, a country smaller than the state of New Jersey -- a demonstration of the regime's fundamentalist commitment to destroying the Jewish state.
President-elect Donald J. Trump at present seems averse to regime change in Iran. Unfortunately -- due to the regime's commitment to "wipe Israel off the map" and, as stated in its constitution, to export its version of Islam across the world -- there does not appear to be the possibility for a real long-term peace in the Middle East without regime change. Anything short of that simply invites the regime to wait Trump out, as well as whoever succeeds him.
Not enough can be said to warn nations of the dangers that can arise from a lack of robust leadership, the perils of underestimating the ambitions of adversarial states, and the paralysis of being unable to confront an adversary for fear of escalation. The adversary, not the leader of Free World, is supposed to fear "escalation."
The repercussions of allowing Iran... to operate without meaningful deterrence, simply underscores the need for a "Golden Age" -- especially a new regime in Iran more aligned with the dreams of so many of its citizens -- and not a moment too soon.

Never underestimate the power of an administration's single term or the harm that policies – whether constructive or poorly-informed -- can have on the international stage.
As President Joe Biden's administration approaches the end of its term, it is hard not to see the global volatility, emboldened adversaries, and fractured alliances.
Those are lessons to be learned about the costs of weakness in leadership and the consequences of strategic missteps in foreign policy.