We must stand together to defy powerful vested interests.
The Green Party - nature action now.



Will you help us stand up against big oil and gas?


Fossil fuel giants make billions from exploiting natural resources and put profit before the wellbeing and survival of people and planet.


Now they are corrupting and derailing a crucial climate summit.


The Green Party doesn't have any truck with fossil fuel lobbyists or accept donations linked to activity which harms the planet.


Unlike other parties, we listen to the science and not mega donors.


That's why we need your help, John, to make the case for bold and ambitious political action.


By supporting our work, you will help us defy big oil and gas, and speed and scale up nature and climate action.


Please donate whatever you can to our campaign.

Thank you so much for your support.


The Green Party


Promoted by Chris Williams on behalf of The Green Party, both at PO Box 78066, London SE16 9GQ