Don't do it. Now is not the time to throw up your hands and walk away. You don't have to accept this "new normal." You don't have to accept anything.

Don't let the censorship discourage you. Now is the time to be even more creative with your message in a way that will reach even more people. Look at how many people Plandemic reached before it was censored and how many people launched Judy Mikovitz' book "Plague of Corruption" to the NYT bestsellers list?

Now is not the time to back down. Get on the phone with your legislator. Write that letter. Stand your ground, fight for your rights, and remind your elected officials that they work for you. If you live near a rep or senator on the state or national level, make an appointment to meet face-to-face...or sit six-feet apart and wear a mask that doesn't work so that you can get your message across.

Go head and share that Plandemic movie you downloaded before it was was censored everywhere else.

Go buy some seeds and for the first time ever, try to plant a garden.

Buy a crop share from a local farmer. It will save you money, sustain their family, and you'll get loads of produce.

Cut out the middle man and buy a cow straight from the farmer to butcher. It will save you money and you'll get better meat. Go in with a few other families to make it even more affordable.

Stock up on the things that make up one pretty insane
natural medicine cabinet. We all know that vitamin D, elderberry, vitamin C, and colloidal silver have no medicinal benefit whatsoever...but there may come a time where you can't access these things anymore. (Let me help you get started with this. Mmmh k?)

Invest in a bidet so that you do not find yourself on the receiving end of a toilet paper shortage. (Seriously, this was a little hard to adjust to at first but once you embrace the spray, you'll never want to use chemically-laden overly-priced sandpaper on your tush ever again.)

Return to "normal," whatever that may look like, but simultaneously prepare yourself for the fact that this "normal" is going to look different and "flu season" is only a few months away (which means we could very well find ourselves back in this place very soon). Become a little more self-sustainable, a little less reliant, educate those in your circle to do the same, and use this as an opportunity to show others a better way of life.

The research has shown that one HUGE positive coming out of this mess is that a lot more people are "on the fence" and are "open-minded" to talking about things they never even would have considered before. Our inner circle is about to get a whole lot bigger. Let's just slip into that gap and share our knowledge. We are no longer conspiracy theorists anymore. We are the cool kids.

Love, Megan