Turning lemons into lemonade for first-time voters

(Chris Zuppa for Poynter)
Not only is the misinformation surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic affecting our personal health, it’s also impacting the health of our democracy. This infodemic is creating uncertainty and anxiety around one of the cornerstones of our republic, the November election. I, too, have a number of questions on how this virus will affect our elections, and I’m a seasoned voter. Can you imagine how first-time voters must feel?
Luckily, Poynter’s MediaWise Voter Project Campus Correspondents program is doing something about it. Months ago, MediaWise trained 11 college students to go back to each of their campuses and train their peers on how to fact check and be better informed as they vote for the first time in the 2020 election. And then the pandemic hit, closing college campuses across the country. Read how Poynter’s MediaWise team turned lemons into lemonade to make this program a success.