Hello John,

I hope you're keeping well, despite the challenges these times bring.

We have been heartened here at NYCI to see the incredible reactions from our members and across the youth work sector to these difficult times, and encouraged that our work to support you has been so well received.

As a next step, in response to needs identified at our Youth Worker Check-in sessions, I'm delighted to share two key supports we've developed to help you in your work:
Digital Youth Work – Reflection and Discussion Sessions >>
These sessions have been designed to create a digital youth work discussion space informed by your needs and experience in engaging young people through digital methods, and to gather information on how NYCI can support you to further develop your capacity as a youth worker online.

You can find more supports for your work from NYCI and our members at our Covid-19 resource hub.

If you have any feedback, please get in contact. 

In the meantime stay safe, and warm regards,


Mary Cunningham
National Youth Council of Ireland
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