John, every year on Nov. 20, the global community recognizes World Children’s Day. It’s a huge moment for us.
World Children’s Day celebrates children’s rights and reminds us that it’s up to all of us to fight for them. But when Save the Children was founded in 1919, our founder Eglantyne Jebb’s conviction that children have a right to food, health care, education and protection from exploitation was not a mainstream idea.
Together, with champions for children like you, we’ve changed that. And we’re still fighting every day to give children the futures they deserve.
This World Children’s Day, we’re doing something special: We’re sharing stories from around the world, and we’re giving you a chance to select which issue you’d like those stories to focus on.
Simply click one of the buttons below to choose which issue you’re most interested in, and in the coming days, you’ll receive an exclusive, personalized set of stories.
Our work simply wouldn’t be possible without you. Thank you for all you do to support the world’s children.