Dear Friend,
California’s incarcerated crewmembers risk their lives fighting fires across the state every day to keep our communities safe For the last week, they have been battling one of the most destructive wildfires in recent memory, the Mountain fire in Ventura County. On Monday, we decided to show these brave men and women our appreciation in the best way we know how: by sending an In-N-Out truck to feed them on the frontlines.
We had a chance to speak with one firefighter who told us,

“Out of nowhere, we were told that we were getting a special treat. By the grace of God we received some In-N-Out for the camp! Fighting fires is something I would definitely want to do when I go home. Once I go home, I’ll be at VTC (ARC’s Ventura Training Center) and then I’ll be with Cal Fire! Thank you ARC for providing me and my team with some food and love.”
-Joseph Clemmings
Moments like this prove to me that our mission works. Transforming lives keeps our communities safe. Please consider supporting more moments like this by ‘double-doubling’ (sorry for being so cheesy) your impact and becoming a monthly donor today!
Sam Lewis

Chief Executive Officer
Anti-Recidivism Coalition
The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others. - Mahatma Gandhi