Just Because Trump Won Doesn't Mean Your Money is Safe.
Elon Musk Predicted "‘Hardship,’ Economic Turmoil and a Stock-Market Crash if Trump Won." (MSN)
Congratulations, America!
Our President Won!
They are calling it the "biggest comeback in US political history."
But... unfortunately, the damage caused by Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, Chuck Schumer and the liberals over the last four years cannot be fixed with a simple Band-Aid.
This is not the time to sit on your laurels and think it's safe.
- We are $36 Trillion in Debt!
- Biden & Yellen put us on a track to $50 Trillion
- We've been printing money like drunken monkeys
- resulting in runaway inflation for the last four years.
WARNING... This is a wake-up call.
"Every 60 seconds, Our Debt Increases by $2 Million, and Every 24 Hours That Passes, Our Debt Increases by $2.5 Billion."
Then there is our decimated economy. On November 1st, the U.S. Jobs Report was released. The U.S. economy only added just 12,000 jobs in October.
Grab Your Complimentary Gold Guide.
Everything in this country is at an all-time high. The price of crude oil/gas, food, travel, clothing, housing, autos, everything else is at its peak. The cost of living has gone through the roof.
BRICS is waiting in the wings. While their digital currency remains under development, more than 100 nations have lined up and applied for entrance into their Economic Monetary System.
China and Russia are working feverishly to take over the coveted position of being the Global Reserve.
Once that happens, goodbye, "Dollar."
Each of these economic issues devalues the Dollar, and you suffer the loss.
There is one way to protect the value of your Dollar, your nest egg, your savings, your retirement accounts, and your investment portfolio.
Gold! Not only will Gold protect you, but it will also preserve your purchasing power.
Trump is Good For Gold!
Did you know that under Trump's first term, Gold went up 53%?
Look at this infographic on Gold's performance under each of the last six presidents.
Gold acts as an investment, and it protects you.
Grab Your Complimentary Gold Guide.

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