Hello Friend,
Welcome to my e-newsletter, the Ready Room. As a retired Naval Aviator, the Ready Room is special to me because it’s where fellow aviators meet to brief and debrief missions. This is my weekly briefing to you on my mission in Congress. Please follow me on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube for regular updates on how my team and I are working to serve you in Congress.
On Veterans Day we thank the men and women who defended our nation. For nearly 250 years, Americans from all walks of life have bravely answered the call to duty. They’re willing to do what many aren’t—at a minimum, sacrificing time with their families and traveling to far-off lands in defense of freedom. They must also be prepared to give the last full measure of devotion — their lives. We owe them a great debt of gratitude.
This year, I reflect on what made my own service in the U.S. Navy so impactful. Click here to read my Veterans Day reflections published in The Ripon Forum.
The Corporate Transparency Act (CTA) was intended to address crimes like tax fraud and money laundering. However, unintended consequences have infringed on small business owners’ privacy and imposed excessive reporting requirements and penalties. The CTA directs the Treasury Department's to compile a massive database containing private, often confidential, information on millions of small business owners. Applicable businesses are required to disclose requested information or file a Beneficial Ownership Information Report pursuant to the CTA.
Those who fail could face imprisonment and up to $10,000 in fines. Surveys indicate 90 percent of business owners are not aware of these reporting requirements. The federal government is telling job creators in our community to either share sensitive personal information, or face extreme penalty. That’s absurd. To end this intrusive government overreach, I cosponsored H.R. 8147, the Repealing the Big Brother Overreach Act. This bill would repeal the CTA and protect small business owners’ privacy. Click here to learn more.
Last week, we covered H. J. Res. 135, an effort I introduced to protect Florida's Heartland from overreaching agricultural regulations. This week, learn more about how Congress can increase transparency and hold federal agencies accountable for tax dollars spent on federal union activities.

Federal law allows federal employees to participate in union activities while on duty or “official time.” This is time spent on the clock paid by the taxpayers' dime. Often, the stated goals of these union activities contradict the interests of the Americans. The Office of Personnel Management (OPM) used to publish annual reports detailing union-related costs. However, Biden-Harris's OPM stopped this practice and removed years of information from public access.
That’s why I introduced H.R. 7692, the Taxpayer-Funded Union Time Transparency Act, to require the federal government make publicly available a detailed account of all taxpayer dollars used to support federal employees’ union activities. Sen. Joni Ernst (R-IA) introduced companion legislation in the Senate. Click here to learn more.
Test Your Knowledge #CivicsWithScott!
What are the age requirements for a U.S. President, Senator and Representative, respectively?
A. 40, 30 and 35
B. 35, 30 and 25
C. 28, 28 and 28
D. 30, 30 and 25
Last Week's Question
Which offices are first, second and third in the line of presidential succession?
A. Vice President, Speaker of the House, Senate President Pro Tempore - Correct answer
B. Vice President, Senate Majority Leader, Senate Minority Leader
C. Vice President, Senate Majority Leader, Speaker of the House
D. Vice President, Speaker of the House, Senate Majority Leader
It's an honor and privilege to represent you in Congress. Please take a moment to fill out my latest constituent survey here. Your feedback helps me better represent you. For more information on constituent services, current legislation, and to sign up for my e-newsletter, please visit my website at franklin.house.gov.
Best regards,
C. Scott Franklin Member of Congress