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Last week’s election results demonstrated how a corporate agenda can be advanced in the name of change and working class discontent. A predatory elite has benefited from unconstrained campaign contributions by a handful of billionaires, a Supreme Court majority unwilling to hold their fellow Republican accountable, and the chaos engendered when algorithms and endorsements are bought and misinformation rules.

The threat to our communities is daunting. Attacks will focus on dividing us around race, class, and gender as plans for mass deportations, anti-union legislation and a national abortion ban move forward. The environment and tackling the urgency of climate change will be similarly dismissed and progress dismantled.

It will be more crucial now than ever before for unions, community organizations and environmental organizations to align our strategies to both protect what we have already won and to continue building for the world we know is possible. The majority of people in the US want the same things as we do--good jobs with career pathways, affordable housing and public transportation, quality healthcare that prioritizes self-determination and bodily autonomy, safe and environmentally sustainable places for their children to grow and learn, and the respect and dignity that all humans deserve.

We are grateful to our sisters, brothers and siblings for organizing our communities and worksites for a better world. And we at CLU are committed to building our power together by aligning organizations across our sectors into the United Front needed to win smart, strategic campaigns that protect each other's rights and interests and advance our shared vision for a more just and sustainable economy for everyone.

In solidarity, 

Community Labor United 

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