Hi John,
Across the country, the coronavirus is upending daily life and causing a panic—and it is sparking an exponential increase in purchases of guns and ammunition. We know that having a gun in the home INCREASES the risk of death and does NOT make people safer.
Donate to help us prevent gun violence in the time of COVID.
Public health officials have called for drastic measures to keep us safe and combat the virus. But, physical distancing, financial pressures, and uncertainty due to the coronavirus, can increase the threat of domestic violence, suicide, and unintentional shootings.

Gun violence has proven that it will not stop for the coronavirus, and we can’t either.
The most impactful thing you can do right now to prevent gun violence is to make a donation in support of our virtual luncheon. We have already raised more than $491k toward our $1M fundraising goal.
Please make a gift to help us reach our goal by May 31.
To learn more about the intersection of COVID and gun violence, be sure to RSVP for our June 1st panel discussion. I'll be joined by Governor Jay Inslee, and Manny and Patricia Oliver, who lost their son Joaquin in Parkland. The conversation will be moderated by Wier Harman of Town Hall Seattle. You can RSVP for that here.
Thank you,
PS - Please feel free to share this email widely!
