What does a Trump victory mean for gun laws?
In the previous Trump administration, Donald Trump tried to gut our gun laws—including a national law around silencers and tried to pass the NRA's top priorities—and there's no doubt he will use his administration again to push the gun lobby’s reckless guns everywhere agenda.
But in Trump's last administration, we rallied everyone—from students to moms to legislators—to stop dangerous gun policy in its tracks.
How? By driving hundreds of thousands of messages and calls to Congress, state legislatures, and local governments, showing up to town halls and meetings across the country and on Capitol Hill, organizing rallies and marches, joining forces with young people around the country by creating Students Demand Action, and by putting pressure on our elected leaders to protect our gun safety.
And we can do it again—even stronger this time—but we're going to need your help to fuel this work.
The future of gun safety is in our hands and we can work to prepare now to take on Trump and his promises to the gun lobby. Make a contribution of $30 to the Everytown Action Fund to ensure we can stop the Trump and gun lobby agendas and secure a future free of gun violence.
Thank you.
–Everytown for Gun Safety