Hi John,
Millions of proud teachers, firefighters, postal workers, letter carriers and other public service workers dedicate years of service with the hope of retiring with dignity.
But back during Ronald Reagan’s administration, the government cut the hard-earned retirement benefits that these workers earned. Their Social Security checks were slashed if they took a second job after they retired; benefits were even reduced for their surviving spouse.
The bipartisan Social Security Fairness Act (H.R. 82) would repeal these two unfair parts of the Social Security law. Today is the day to restore retirement fairness. H.R. 82 is on the House floor for a vote. Call your representative and encourage them to vote for the Social Security Fairness Act, and against H.R. 5342.
We need Congress to support the bipartisan H.R. 82 and oppose the partisan H.R. 5342. The latter bill, written by the Republican chair of the House Budget Committee, would improve benefits for some of those affected by the Windfall Elimination Provision in the short term but would, in the future, expose many more new people to benefit cuts once the temporary protections run out. This law would just create another fiscal time bomb for retirees.
Call your representative and tell them: Vote for the Social Security Fairness Act, and vote against H.R. 5342. → https://go.aflcio.org/ssfa
This legislation can make a huge difference in the lives of millions of workers. Everyone deserves to retire with dignity.
Thank you for taking action.
In Solidarity,