Striped Bass Stakeholders The Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission has scheduled a Striped Bass Board meeting on December 16 to consider Board action. This is in response to the results of the 2024 Stock Assessment which indicate the stock remains overfished. Projections suggest a less than 50% chance of rebuilding the stock by 2029 as fishing mortality is expected to increase as the 2018 year-class enters the slot. Important information is below about this Board meeting, including an opportunity to provide feedback to Maine DMR. The Striped Bass Board meeting is scheduled for 10am-2pm on Monday, December 16. The meeting will be in-person (Westin Crystal City in Arlington, VA) and via webinar. Webinar information will be posted HERE. Initial meeting materials will be posted to the ASMFC website on Tuesday, December 3, including the Technical Committee report outlining potential management options. Meeting materials will be posted HERE. ASMFC is hosting an Informational Webinar on Thursday, December 5 at 6PM to review the management options developed by the Technical Committee. This is an opportunity to learn more about the analyses by the Technical Committee and ask clarifying questions. No public comments will be taken during the webinar. To register for the Informational Webinar, please click HERE. If you wish to provide written comments as a part of the ASMFC record, those comments must be submitted to ASMFC by 11:59PM on Tuesday, December 10. Written comments may be submitted to ASMFC via email at [email protected]. ME DMR will be hosting a webinar meeting on Tuesday, December 10 at 6pm to outline the management options and receive stakeholder comments. While not a formal public hearing, this is an opportunity for stakeholders to provide their feedback to the Department on preferred management alternatives. Information to connect to the ME DMR webinar is below. Microsoft Teams Need help? Meeting ID: 210 453 513 028 Passcode: HxqqXs Dial in by phone +1 207-209-4724,,875107025# United States, Portland Phone conference ID: 875 107 025#
The ASMFC press release for this Striped Bass Board meeting can be found HERE. For questions about the Striped Bass meeting, please contact: