Roundly Reject Ranked-Choice Voting Despite Millions from
Every state that had ranked-choice voting (RCV) on the ballot
rejected it in a sharp rebuke to the Left’s “dark money”
Out-of-state mega-donors failed on every front
to force RCV onto voters, as six states voted to stick with the
American voting system that has worked for generations. 2024 marked
the culmination of a years-long fight for these liberal elites who are
funding RCV initiatives with “dark money” groups. They consist of a
mix of liberals who support Democratic politicians and leftist causes
and centrists who support Never-Trump Republicans.
As Restoration News has covered, RCV ballot initiatives did
not arise organically in these states. In every case, this small group
of mega-donors pushed it to block conservatives from office. They
understand if they supplant the partisan primary system the only
Republicans who get elected will be squishy moderates unbeholden to
conservative voters.

Wasn’t Supposed to End This Way (For Her)
The progressive moment is well and truly over, and it went out
with a cackle.
One of the mysteries of 2024 is how Kamala
Harris can seem so competent in one context and utterly lost in
When it comes to thumping her bona fides as a San Francisco
prosecutor, Harris sounded confident, even polished. Put her in a
discussion about everyday issues with—shudder—normal
Americans, though, and she’d melt into a puddle of platitude goo. Over
and over again. Seemingly no amount of preparation could prepare her
for the daunting questions of the 2024 campaign trail: How will
you reduce inflation? Why open the southern border? Why will the next
four years of Harris look different from the last
Some people chalk it up to intelligence. “She’s got the IQ of
a fence post,” Mel Gibson quipped in October.
But fence posts don’t end up a single heartbeat from leader
of the free world, or have as parents a Stanford economist and
biomedical scientist.
Here’s a better explanation: Kamala Harris is in over her
head because she should’ve been central committee chair for the Napa
County Democratic Party all along, not the presidential pick for the
world’s oldest political party. Let this California expat

How Did the Military Go
Lt Col
Matt Lohmeier became the first veteran of the US Space Force when he
was fired for speaking out against Marxism’s infiltration into the
military. While in the military he served as a USAF fighter pilot and
a space-based missile warning squadron commander with the US Space
Force. He gives a behind the scenes look into the Space Force and the
ways in which Marxism has infiltrated our military.
Watch now
and learn why he decided to speak out and why it is essential that we
reject Marxism to strengthen our military.

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