Friend --
Would you like to make a difference in Ventura County? What are
the issues most important to you - Environmental justice, Immigrant
rights, single-payer healthcare, getting progressives elected? Now is
your chance!
Our chapter is having its annual elections to select our co-chairs,
secretary, and treasurer. These positions are crucial to the planning
and direction that our chapter will take in the next year. Do you
have a vision of how you would like to see our chapter move forward
over the year? Will you take on the satisfying challenge of socialist
Please nominate yourself or someone you think would be a great
leader by replying to this email or do so on our #dsageneral slack
channel before our next chapter meeting on June 4th.
Here are descriptions of the positions available:
2 Co-Chairs –
Oversees day to day operations, facilitates working groups and
coordinators in any way they need. Responds to media requests.
Facilitates communication and resource flow between chapter and
national office & working groups. (At least one of the Co-chairs
must identify as a female or as a non-cisgendered person, per our
Secretary – Takes
minutes at chapter meetings. Helps with communication flow between
working groups as well as between DSA VC and other chapters. Maintains
key contacts list.
Treasurer –
facilitates all transaction and spending necessary to the chapter and
working groups, facilitate dues renewals with members, steward
corporate and tax documents, file official paperwork as
(At least one of these four positions must be a person of color,
per our bylaws.)
Make a difference this year!
In solidarity,
Ventura County Democratic Socialists of America
P.S. Remember to donate to our Mutual Aid fund
Attend our Spanish class this Saturday.
And, please come to our Reading Group meeting the following