Mises Institute
Tuesday, November 12, 2024
Your Kids Are Already Communist, and College Will Make It Worse
Mark Thornton
The typical school curriculum tells students that capitalism is evil and socialism is good, be the school private or government. And the anti-capitalist mentality only ramps up when students are in college.
Mises on the Human and Financial Disaster that Was World War I
Claudio Restani
106 years ago, the warring parties of World War I agreed to an armistice, ending more than four years of slaughter in the trenches. As Ludwig von Mises recalled, governments also slaughtered their own currencies to pay for the bloodshed.
The Fed Exposed
Ryan McMaken appears on World Affairs In Context with Lena Petrova to discuss the Federal Reserve.
No Matter the Form, Easy Money Is Still a Fraud
The laws of economics are immutable and are the same no matter what historical epoch exists.
The Battle on Lake Geneva—Mises vs. the Statists at Mont Pelerin
The original Mont Pelerin Society meeting in 1947 featured Ludwig von Mises, whose warnings about the dangers of socialism and totalitarianism had gone unheeded.
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Assumptions in Economics and in the Real World
Mainstream economists often base their analysis upon assumptions that do not square with reality. Austrian economics, on the other hand, is built upon realistic assumptions and the acknowledgement that good economics must reflect human action.
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The Corrupt Nature of DEI
Even though Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion has been taking a beating with some state legislatures, it still has a corrupting influence, especially in higher education. As Murray Rothbard pointed out, egalitarians are “at war with nature.”
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Congress Should Fire Jerome Powell
The Fed wants independence so it can serve the interests of the banker class.
How to Think about the Economy: A Primer
Sound economic reasoning is an enormously powerful tool for understanding both the economy and society. It uncovers what is going on under the surface and why things are the way they are.
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