Climate scientists are out with a brand new reportJohn. And it's not looking good.
According to this new report, our planet's natural process for absorbing climate change-causing greenhouse gases was almost totally ineffective last year.
We know that the climate crisis is nothing new. We know that there's A LOT of work to be done to prevent utter disaster.
But here’s the good news, John: We can still make a difference.
Right now, we have to come together and urge Congress to keep climate change a priority. If they don’t, millions of lives, especially BIPOC and working class, are at risk. Sign the petition to DEMAND climate action now! |
We won't sugarcoat it: This new report is awful, and almost no one is talking about it. While everyone has (rightfully) been focusing on the election, climate action has slipped through the cracks.
Now, it's up to us to bring it back to the forefront. Add your name TODAY and demand that Congress take action on climate change!
Let's do this,
NextGen America