Ed Markey for Senate
ALERT: Last Month Just "Obliterated" Temperature Records as The Hottest June to Date


Last month was the hottest June ever recorded.

Every month this year has been in the top five hottest on record.

Our planet is dangerously warming, and if we do nothing, climate change will only make it worse.

We need a Green New Deal NOW.

But Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell will only hold sham votes and pledge to be the “Grimm Reaper” of all Democratic proposals in the Senate, rather than acting to save our planet.

Sign the petition and show Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and the GOP that we will not back down!


Recent polling shows that 81 percent of Americans support the principles of a Green New Deal.

In the face of the opposition, in the face of climate-denier-in-chief Donald Trump, in the face of critics and naysayers, tens of thousands of people, young and old, are organizing to save all creation through massive job creation.

That’s what the Green New Deal will do, and that’s what I’m fighting for every day.

Will you join me and show that we are more determined than ever to stop the climate crisis?

Sign the petition and show Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and the GOP that we will not back down!






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