
Now that we’re less than six months from Election Day, I want to give you a quick update on where we stand:

- The coronavirus crisis has set our fundraising back pretty significantly. We’re working on some fun virtual events and unique donation opportunities. But if there’s anything you can do to help us in the meantime – whether you donate $10 or $2,800 or anything in between – we’re going to need every penny in November.

- We’re growing our base of volunteers in every single county in the 9th District and planning events once the lockdown orders are lifted. If you or anyone you know is willing to join our team as a grassroots volunteer, please sign up at this link.
- We’re building our social media team to communicate directly with volunteers, contributors, and supporters. We now have over 10,000 followers on Facebook alone. Our goal is to have over 15,000 NC-09 followers before the fall.

One more update: although it usually doesn’t start this early, my opponent has started slinging mud, attacking me in the Charlotte Observer and on her Facebook page. It looks like she’s going to run a nasty and dishonest campaign, so I need all the help I can get to cut through the lies and get the truth to voters.

Thanks for your support and for anything you can do to help us win in 2020. I’ll make sure my team keeps you updated on our progress as we inch closer to Election Day.

PS – I know everyone says this, but it’s really true: a $5 or $10 contribution can be put to use in our campaign. Of course, we’ll take large donations too. But if you can swing a small contribution today, I would really appreciate it.


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