Invoking Our Mother of Sorrows –
6 Holy Masses Nov 12-17 Submit
Your Intentions now!

Dear Friend,
Please join me in invoking Our
Mother of Sorrows in this seven-day devotion, along with Holy Masses
each day from November 12–17, for:
~ Peace in the world.
~ Our deceased relatives, friends,
past co-workers, parishioners.
~ The Holy Souls in Purgatory,
especially those souls who have no one to pray for them, as well as
those who are suffering the most.
~ Divine Wisdom for all Bishops
attending the USCCB Fall Meeting, from Nov. 11–14. For the bishops to
draw closer to the Sacred Heart of Christ in the Eucharist, to receive
the grace of a deeper faith.
~ The needs of Cardinal Raymond
~ Your Personal Intentions,
including your deceased loved ones and friends, as well as for those
who are living and experiencing heavy crosses.
If you haven’t submitted your
intentions or would like to update them, click on the button below
before you begin Day Two.
May you be spiritually nourished
by Day Two of
the prayers, where we will ask Our Mother of Sorrows to bring our
intentions to God in heaven. If you have not already done so,
please submit your intentions, for
the Six Holy Masses that will be offered, from November
12-17. After Day Three, those
who have submitted intentions will only receive the prayers for Days
Together, let us storm heaven for
all our needs and pray especially for peace in the world, the Holy
Souls in Purgatory, the Bishops attending the USCCB Fall Meeting and
our dear Cardinal Burke.
Yours in the Sacred Heart of Jesus
and the Immaculate Heart of Mary,

Thomas McKenna
Founder and President
Catholic Action For Faith And Family
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