Our entire way of life revolves around these folks, our essential workers, risking their lives to provide support for the rest of us. They have our backs. Now, we have to have theirs.

Ro Khanna

1 in 7 essential workers doesn’t have health insurance.

In a modern society, that’s wrong. But in the midst of a global pandemic? That’s simply unconscionable.

Our entire way of life revolves around these folks, our essential workers, risking their lives to provide support for the rest of us. They have our backs. Now, we have to have theirs.

That’s why I’m fighting to include provisions in the next COVID-19 bill that would ensure coverage for every essential worker. Sign your name if you agree:

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It’s good that Congress has passed legislation to alleviate the costs of testing and some treatments regarding COVID-19. But still, millions across the country are on the hook for their own care in this pandemic.

In the wealthiest nation on earth, we should be able to ensure health care as a right for every single one of our neighbors. When this is all over, we will win that fight, too.

But for now, we must make sure our essential workers are protected, as they experience more risk than almost all of us. Will you sign your name to join my call?

With your help, we can make sure our Essential Workers Bill of Rights is passed, and we provide health care (and more) to all of the people who are risking their lives for us.

In solidarity,


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