Every year, US meat traders ship thousands of beautiful horses abroad to be slaughtered for profit.
They pack the terrified animals into overcrowded trucks to suffer agonising journeys abroad – completely deprived of food, water, and rest for endless hours, then butcher the survivors for human consumption. We can make them stop.
A group of senators already succeeded in banning this kind of horse slaughter in the US. Now they’re pushing a bill to stop the cross-border trade too! If we can show overwhelming public backing for the plan, we can make sure it goes to a vote – and save thousands upon thousands of innocent horses from brutal slaughter. Sign now:
US lawmakers: end the brutal transportation of horses for slaughter!
Some argue that such slaughter is necessary as otherwise unwanted horses may have no other place to go, leading to potential neglect and overburdening animal welfare systems. But the slaughtered horses are often wild animals or once-loved companions unknowingly sold into this hellish fate – and many ‘kill buyers’ outbid rescue groups and horse-lovers from purchasing these animals.
Also, the meat from these horses is dangerous to human health, contaminated with drugs and toxins like fly sprays and de-wormers that are banned in animals used for consumption.
The horrors these horses face are chilling. Forced into cramped kill pens, some are slaughtered quickly—but many endure panic, struggling for survival as they suffer slow, painful deaths. Tragically, some are still conscious when butchered.
The facts are undeniable: horse slaughter is brutal, dangerous, and needs to end. While it's already illegal in the US., the transport of horses across borders for slaughter must be stopped, too. It's time for lawmakers to act—to protect both people and animals.
Together we can stop this cruelty once and for all. Are you in?
US lawmakers: stop the brutal transportation of horses for slaughter abroad!