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Dear Friend,

I’ve been thinking about Eleanor Roosevelt a lot lately.  It’s probably obvious why I would be channeling the courage of one of our most prolific first ladies  — I have long heeded her advice, and I find it more relevant now, than ever before.

“You gain strength, courage, and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. You are able to say to yourself, 'I lived through this horror. I can take the next thing that comes along.'
-Eleanor Roosevelt

While taking this to heart and reminding myself that facing adversity does indeed make us more resilient, I’ve witnessed the true colors of our helpers, our first responders and health care workers. It has truly been a horrifying time but I am inspired by their commitment, in the face of illness and death, to helping our community.

Senate District 34 has been hit extremely hard by CoVID19- one of the first cases in New York State resulted in the closure of one of our schools and temples, sending hundreds of constituents into quarantine long before any New Yorker was wearing a facemask. It seemed unthinkable that schools would be closed for the remainder of the year, leaving thousands of high school and college students without the closure, ceremonies, sports award banquets, and scholarship dinners that are a rite of passage. 

One thing that is still happening: the Democratic primary slated for Tuesday, June 23rd. Please make a plan to vote by absentee ballot or by going to the polls. 

Campaigning is not the same as it was in 2018, and I miss your energy and enthusiasm for shaping our democracy. We will be doing a series of virtual town-halls and events over the next few weeks to raise awareness about the primary on 6/23 and to GOTV.

Until then, please sign up to virtually volunteer here- we will be phone banking and texting to get out the vote. If you can’t volunteer, please consider donating - as you know, campaigns are still fueled by donors and I am not taking corporate PAC money or donations from special interests.

Until we meet again, stay strong and stay safe,


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Committee to Elect Alessandra Biaggi · P.O. Box 690070 · Bronx, NY 10469 · USA