Urgent Update on New CGA Rates

If you have considered initiating a Charitable Gift Annuity with Population Connection, now might be the right time. Based on current circumstances, the American Council on Gift Annuities will lower payout rates starting July 1, 2020:
"In general, the suggested maximum payout rates will be lowered by 0.3 to 0.5 percentage points, based on the annuitant(s) age(s) (e.g., payout reduction of $30 to $50 on a $10,000 donation). The new ACGA suggested maximum charitable gift annuity rates will become effective on July 1, 2020.”
(from https://www.acga-web.org/)
If you’d like to take advantage of the current higher rate, please get in touch with us at [email protected] immediately to begin setting up your CGA. We can honor current, more favorable annuity rates through the end of June. Remember, once you set up your CGA, your annuity rate and payments are guaranteed for life and will never change.