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We were brought up to believe that wellness is an individual pursuit. While it is true that our commitment to personal transformation is critical, this virus has proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that we are an interdependent species.

We are as vulnerable as our most vulnerable. We are as safe as those who are left behind. Our economic, political, and social systems are not well so our people are not well. In the absence of systems that care for us all, mutual and community care are critical pathways to our collective wellbeing. In striving for wellness, we must expand our vision from ME to WE.

But how do we become well in an unwell world? How do we become connected in a culture ruled by separation?

We get there by doing it together. Wellness is a collective practice that requires resistance, resilience, and the reimagining of the beautiful and healthy world that we are worthy of.

We are worthy of wellness.  
We are worthy of community.
We are worthy of freedom.
We are worthy of our dreams.

It's time for us to reimagine our wellbeing...together.



Mon 5.25: The WE in Wellness 
Grounding in who “we” are in wellness / What’s needed in wellness? What’s possible?

Tue 5.26: Worthy & Well 
Reclaiming our worthiness and the power of radical self-love to transform ourselves and one another.

Wed 5.27: From Self-Care to Community Care
Self-care is not enough when so many are suffering. We need a practice of mutual care that is bigger, more innovative, and includes all of us.

Thur 5.28: Revolutionary Love
This moment is calling us to transform fear into revolutionary love and imagine the world we want to see. 

Fri 5.29: Wellness Beyond Whiteness
What’s in the way of wellness? White Supremacy. How to get free and imagine a wellness beyond whiteness. 

Sat 5.30: Rest & Reparations
Rest is a revolutionary act of resistance in a culture of capitalism and non-stop hustling. How do we reclaim the dignity of enoughness and repair our relationship to each other?

Sun 5.31: Politics & Economics of Wellbeing
We need to reclaim politics/economics as a system of how we take care of each other - not just in crisis, but everyday - so that we protect what is most essential and create the conditions for everyone to thrive. 

Mon 6.1: Joyful Revolution
Wellness requires freedom; freedom from scarcity, and supremacy. But even more than that, wellness requires the freedom that comes with knowing that we are seen, supported, and resourced to manifest our full potential for joy, abundance and wellbeing. 

Copyright © CTZNWELL

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