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Friends --
Can you imagine if we had a U.S. Senator who pushed fringe conspiracy theories, called the governor an “enemy of our liberty” who “terrorizes” Virginians, and handed out assault weapons to residents? Well, come next November, you may not have to imagine it -- because self-proclaimed “junkyard dog” Tom Speciale (who’s recently done all of these) is running to replace Mark Warner in the Senate.
Will you donate right now to make sure we get out every Democratic vote this November to stop far-right extremists from representing Virginia in Washington?
Friends, Speciale isn’t even our biggest problem. Front-runner Daniel Gade is making gains in his campaign to defeat Mark Warner, and he’s got major GOP money backing him up. In a recent debate between the candidates for the Republican Senate nomination, Gade scoffed at landmark achievements for LGBT equality, calling them “this LGBT agenda stuff” and “special interests.” And then the candidates moved on to spend significant time discussing one of the most important issues currently affecting hardworking Virginians: Sharia law?? (Yes, they did!)
While these fringe, far-right candidates may have dubious relationships with reality, their chances of winning in November are all too real. The only thing that can stop them replacing Mark Warner in the Senate is Virginia Democrats voting in the largest numbers we ever have. If you can, will you please chip in now to help us mobilize Democratic voters across the Commonwealth and defeat the GOP in November?
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Your friends at DPVA