As President, I pledge to devise an administration of the people, by the people, and for the people -- by prioritizing humanity first.
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Friend --

Americans don’t trust our government.  It’s gotten so bad that only 17% approve of the way Congress does their job.  And that’s better than the percent of people who think Congress is doing their job honestly and ethically.

It’s no surprise since our leaders are more interested in petty, partisan squabbles than they are in passing legislation that impacts the lives of every American.

Our infrastructure is crumbling, the student debt crisis is destroying the lives of an entire generation, 100 people die from gun violence every day, and automation continues to put more and more Americans out of work.  In the wealthiest, most advanced country in the world, life expectancy is going down and inequality is going up.  Many Americans don’t have time to care about our democracy because they are working 2 or 3 jobs and still can’t afford to make ends meet.

Change has to be made or our country will continue to crumble -- and this change must start at the top.

If you agree, add your name here to sign on to my plan to rebuild trust in government and in our democracy.  We can only make change this big with every person on this team ready to fight for it.


As President -- I will restore trust in our government and democracy.  Here’s how:

Over the past several decades, many in Washington have forgotten that government was forged to be of the people, by the people, and for the people.  Instead, special interests are funding our elections creating politicians beholden to corporations instead of the American people.

It’s time to get money out of politics -- ending the revolving door by preventing regulators from becoming lobbyists for these corporations.  That includes ending Citizens United and promoting public funding of elections through what I call “Democracy Dollars.”

We will reform the FEC so that it can better enforce disclosure laws, end partisan gerrymandering, and move to Ranked Choice Voting to promote positive campaigning.  As President, I will divest from personal and business interests and disclose my tax returns so that we can also rebuild trust in the Executive Branch.  It doesn’t end there.

I will carry the federal government into the 21st century by creating a Department of Technology.  This Department will regulate tech companies, create public databases to make Congress’ business transparent, and make sure that all federal legislators understand how technology works (so we don’t repeat the Facebook hearing).

I’ll be honest, it’s going to take courage and big, bold action. Standing on the hallowed ground in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, President Lincoln reminded us of the important work we must all do.  Each generation -- each American -- must do everything in their power to show that a nation conceived in liberty and dedicated to the proposition that every man is created equal, can not only endure but thrive.

It’s time we reform our democracy to live up to that ideal.  As President, I pledge to devise an administration of the people, by the people, and for the people -- by prioritizing humanity first.

Will you add your name here and sign on to my plan to restore our democracy and rebuild trust in our government?  It will take a large movement of people working together to make this a reality.

- Andrew

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