Dear Partners,

As you may have seen, House Democrats unveiled their proposal on Tuesday for the HEROES Act in response to the nation’s gravest pandemic and health-incited recession in generations. This is a comprehensive package that takes bold action and addresses many of the priorities this community has championed.

The coming weeks are a critical time to engage your Senators. We must continue to reiterate the importance of expanding health coverage for struggling families, providing urgently needed fiscal relief to states and localities, and investing in testing, contact tracing, and quarantining to support recovery and prevent pandemic spread. That’s why we are hosting a State Partner Briefing Call this Friday, May 15 at 12 p.m. EST to provide an overview of the legislative landscape and discuss how state partners can activate in urging their Senators to ensure the strongest possible COVID-19 relief package.


Register for the HEROES Act State Partner Briefing Call Here


We also continue to develop resources to aid your work, including the following: 

Families USA is grateful for your partnership and we invite you to leverage and share these resources with your networks. We also want to hear from you! Please join tomorrow’s call on COVID-19 legislative activity, and feel free to send us questions in advance.

We stand with you in lifting up the importance of families’ health and economic security, during this crisis and beyond.

To your health,

Raven Gomez, 
Partnerships Coordinator 

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