Dear John,
For almost 40 years, Futures Without Violence has worked to build thriving families and communities, free from violence, and filled with hope and opportunity. It is work that has and will take all of us to succeed.
It will take all of us to end domestic and sexual violence and child abuse, and to support and heal survivors. Reducing domestic violence by 60% over the past 30 years is one of the greatest public health successes of our lifetimes, and we must continue to make progress. At FUTURES, our commitment to this work has been and will be
It will take all of us to ensure our young people build healthier relationships and can get support for the mental health challenges so many experience. Our young people are in crisis; they need all of us, whether we are parents, educators and coaches, or other caring adults, to support them. And, we need to do more to address the
trauma, social isolation, and online spaces driving so much of their despair.
And it will take all of us to ensure more families can benefit from economic opportunity, and that we all have a chance to build the lives we want and deserve for ourselves and our families. We all need good jobs, safe and supportive workplaces, and the ability to care for our families. At FUTURES, our commitment is to leave nobody
I remain as convinced as ever that our vision is within our reach. But to get there, it will take all of us to embrace our courage, and to invest in the next generation of young leaders. Thank you for being with us on this journey and for helping build the future we all deserve – futures without violence.
With respect,
Esta Soler
Founder & President