Featured Articles

Tuesday August 13, 2019

Author Washington Watcher II

The Kochtopus Moves Left. And It’s Coming For The Historic American Nation

Tuesday August 13, 2019

Author Michelle Malkin

Michelle Malkin: Open Borders Inc.—Who's Funding The Wicked War On ICE?

Monday August 12, 2019

Author Allan Wall

MEMO FROM MIDDLE AMERICA: Virginia Delegates’ Bad Behavior Exposes Myth Of Proposition Nation

Sunday August 11, 2019

Author Charlottesville Survivor

Charlottesville After Two Years: An Alt-History Of What Should Have Happened

Saturday August 10, 2019

Author John Derbyshire

John Derbyshire Is Impressed With Neil DeGrasse Tyson (Whoever He Is) On El Paso Shootings

Friday August 09, 2019

Author Jake Bowyer

Trump Vindicated—Immigrant Violence Getting REALLY Bad In Sweden

Thursday August 08, 2019

Author Patrick J. Buchanan

Patrick J. Buchanan: Biden Goes All In on the Race Issue

Thursday August 08, 2019

Author Edwin S. Rubenstein

National Data | July Jobs: Weird Good News—Immigrant Displacement Of American Workers Has Apparently Reversed

Wednesday August 07, 2019

Author Ann Coulter

Ann Coulter: It’s an Invasion! ... of Moronic Arguments

Tuesday August 06, 2019

Author Washington Watcher II

Trump Blows El Paso Response, And Maybe The Election. He Better Hope Congress Fails to Pass His Terrible Proposals

Monday August 05, 2019

Author Allan Wall

SAID IN SPANISH: After El Paso, AMLO Calls For Gun Control In U.S.—But It’s Not Worked In Mexico; The Sufferings Of Emilio Estefan; Daughters Of Honduran Politicians; ETC. [6 ITEMS]

Blog Posts

Wednesday August 14, 2019

Author Steve Sailer

Did Jeffrey Epstein Personally Set Off the Financial Crash of 2008?

Tuesday August 13, 2019

Author Paul Nachman

Those Illegal-Alien "DREAMers"—What Civic Treasures They Be!

Tuesday August 13, 2019

Author James Kirkpatrick

Why Is "New Blood" Such A Moral Necessity?

Tuesday August 13, 2019

Author James Fulford

NATIONAL REVIEW Condemns Mentioning Garbage, Rats, In Black Neighborhoods, But WFB Hammered On It In ’65

Tuesday August 13, 2019

Author Stephan Plainview

Hong Kong Protests Adopt "Racist" Pepe The Frog

Tuesday August 13, 2019

Author Allan Wall

What I Saw In Mexico: "Repatriated" Illegals And The Trump-Mexico Deal Working—So Far!

Monday August 12, 2019

Author Stephan Plainview

CNN’s Chris Cuomo Claims “Fredo” Same as N-Word-Threatens Man

Monday August 12, 2019

Author Steve Sailer

Zeroth Amendment Watch: The Right To Come To America And Get Welfare

Monday August 12, 2019

Author Steve Sailer

Pediatricians Warned to be on the Lookout for Bad Juju

Monday August 12, 2019

Author Brenda Walker

ICE Air Ships Invaders Home for Free: “We’ll Be Back Here In A Month”

Monday August 12, 2019

Author Allan Wall

New Guatemalan President Wants To Back Out Of Migration Deal With Trump

Sunday August 11, 2019

Author James Kirkpatrick

Affordable Family Formation Vs. More Immigrants, Higher Cost Of Living And Fewer Children

Sunday August 11, 2019

Author Federale

White Pill On Enforcement: Ken Cuccinelli PROSECUTING Immigration Fraud

Sunday August 11, 2019

Author Brenda Walker

Mississippi Arrests of Illegal Aliens Create Sob Story Opportunity for Liberal Scribblers

Sunday August 11, 2019

Author Brenda Walker

Candidate Biden Pledges Huge Immigration Increase

Sunday August 11, 2019

Author Steve Sailer

They Promised You Flying Cars and Gave You Shipping Container Homes

Sunday August 11, 2019

Author Steve Sailer

Rice vs. Wheat Farming: Nature/Nurture Questions

Sunday August 11, 2019

Author Steve Sailer

110-Year-Old People Usually Aren't 110 Years Old

Sunday August 11, 2019

Author Steve Sailer

Another Ferguson Effect: Police Refusing Calls They Think Will Be "Suicide By Cop"

Sunday August 11, 2019

Author Steve Sailer

The NYT Discovers the REAL Conspiracy: Immigrant Crimes in Sweden Are Kremlin False Flags

Saturday August 10, 2019

Author James Fulford

BREAKING: Epstein Dead, Democrats RELIEVED!

Saturday August 10, 2019

Author Steve Sailer

NBC: Anti-Becky Wokeness Is a Kremlin Plot Against America

Friday August 09, 2019

Author Steve Sailer

Elizabeth Warren: "5 Years Ago Michael Brown Was Murdered by a White Police Officer in Ferguson, Missouri."

Friday August 09, 2019

Author Brenda Walker

Tucker Carlson Interviews Author of New Book about Koch Brothers’ Political Influence

Friday August 09, 2019

Author Stephan Plainview

"I Hate White People" Approved Hatred Amid Mass Censorship

Friday August 09, 2019

Author James Kirkpatrick

IT'S HAPPENING: Italian Government Going Down, Hero Salvini Calls For National Elections

Friday August 09, 2019

Author Steve Sailer

Another Upside-Down NYT Article About the Evil Straight White Male of the Week

Thursday August 08, 2019

Author Steve Sailer

NYT: Ferguson Effect Not Real, of Course, But We Should be Concerned About Not Enough Law & Order in Brooklyn

Thursday August 08, 2019

Author Steve Sailer

Knife Violence Stalks Orange County on Fifth Anniversary of Ferguson Effect

Thursday August 08, 2019

Author Steve Sailer

Biden: "Poor Kids Are Just as Bright and Talented as White Kids"

Thursday August 08, 2019

Author Brenda Walker

ICE Loses Focus over “Humanitarian Concerns” in Mississippi Arrests and Releases Hundreds

Thursday August 08, 2019

Author James Fulford

BAN KNIVES: Immigrant Mass Murder Stabbing In California

Thursday August 08, 2019

Author Stephan Plainview

Democrats Post #AssassinateTrump on Twitter

Thursday August 08, 2019

Author James Fulford

Trump Immigration Raids In Mississippi Mean Jobs For American Workers

Thursday August 08, 2019

Author Steve Sailer

NYT Promotes Nonviolence by Giving Platform to Gandhian Pacifist Angela Davis On 49th Anniversary of Marin County Courthouse Massacre

Thursday August 08, 2019

Author Brenda Walker

Carlson Laughs At NEW YORK TIMES Changing Headline To Suit AOC And Other Democrats

Wednesday August 07, 2019

Author Steve Sailer

Babylon Bee [SATIRE] : "Democrats Propose Creation of National Trump Voter Registry"

Wednesday August 07, 2019

Author James Kirkpatrick

Report: Dayton Shooter Was Armed Antifa Counterprotester At Tiny KKK Rally

Wednesday August 07, 2019

Author John Derbyshire

Radio Derb Transcript Up For August 2: Unwatching The Debate, China Vs. Muslims, Reagan And Africans, Etc.

Wednesday August 07, 2019

Author James Fulford

Uruguay Travel Advisory: DON'T Go To Baltimore!

Wednesday August 07, 2019

Author Stephan Plainview

BREAKING: Travel Advisory for USA over Mass Shootings

Wednesday August 07, 2019

Author James Fulford

HALLS OF ANGER: Memories Of Busing-Caused Anti-White Violence In Banned-In-Boston 1970 TV Movie

Wednesday August 07, 2019

Author Brenda Walker

Failed “Migrants” Leave for Home in Central America

Wednesday August 07, 2019

Author Steve Sailer

Shock Finding: "School Segregation Worsens for Latino Children Compared with a Generation Ago"

Wednesday August 07, 2019

Author Steve Sailer

Sailer On The Obama-Inspired Mass Shootings Of 2016: "Invade, Invite, Implode"

Wednesday August 07, 2019

Author Hubert Collins

"Don't Abolish ICE"—But Crack Down On Google's Search Result Meddling

Wednesday August 07, 2019

Author Hubert Collins

Hubert Collins: The Leftists Who Don't Want To Be Interviewed

Tuesday August 06, 2019

Author Paul Kersey

It's All About Disarming White America: Sen. Kamala Harris Willing to Send Cops Door-To-Door to Confiscate Banned Firearms

Tuesday August 06, 2019

Author Paul Kersey

Between July 16 and July 28th, 2019, There Were 36 Mass Shootings Across the United States: Blacks Were Suspects in 34 of Them

Tuesday August 06, 2019

Author Stephan Plainview

Texas Police Apologize for Arresting Criminal While Riding Horses

Tuesday August 06, 2019

Author James Fulford

Nick Hornby, White Flight, And Rachmanism

Tuesday August 06, 2019

Author Steve Sailer

Gun Violence in Chicago: New Frontiers in the Use of the Passive Voice

Tuesday August 06, 2019

Author Steve Sailer

Has There Ever Been a Realistic Movie About White Flight?

Monday August 05, 2019

Author Stephan Plainview

Verified Twitter Users Wrongfully Blame "White Supremacy" For Dayton Shooting

Monday August 05, 2019

Author Steve Sailer

Democratic Socialists of America Go Full Open Borders.

Monday August 05, 2019

Author John Derbyshire

Why Are Americans The Fools Of The World On Immigration?

Monday August 05, 2019

Author Stephan Plainview

"Red Flag" Gun Laws to Disarm Patriotic Americans.

Monday August 05, 2019

Author James Fulford

White Shooters Mentioned By Race In Headlines, Black Mental Patient Caught With AK-47 Clone And 17 Magazines Is "Texas Man"

Daily Video Digest

Radio Derb

Syndicated Columns

Monday August 12, 2019

Author Patrick J. Buchanan

Patrick J. Buchanan: China, Not Russia, the Greater Threat

Tuesday August 06, 2019

Author Michelle Malkin

Michelle Malkin: Warning: How the VA ALREADY 'Red-Flags' Patriots

Monday August 05, 2019

Author Patrick J. Buchanan

Patrick J. Buchanan: Democrats Exploiting Massacres To Raise Poll Ratings


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