We need only look to the plight of our ancestors to remember that all is not lost.
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Those of us working towards racial and economic justice have once again been struck with a stark reality. The 2024 election results confirm that in the transition toward a new majority, the backlash is and remains strong and steady. We have not healed our founding wounds. In fact, we are ripping them open once again, revealing just how far power holders and white supremacy will go to maintain its status quo and the strong pull of being proximate to that power. It is not lost on us that our country rejected what could have been our first Black woman president and that Black women, in particular, continue to be held to different, higher, inequitable standards.
To be clear, we are grieving. However, we are not shaken from our convictions, nor the pursuit of our mission at Common Future: towards a future where all people, no matter their race or class, have power, choice, and ownership in the economy.
Common Future came into being from our earlier roots during and in response to the rhetoric of the last Trump administration. We knew what we were up against and made the determination to be clear about who we are and what we stand for—an economy that is equitable and acknowledgment of the impact of systemic racism. We have navigated this before, and even with grave concerns about the current landscape of power—with a lack of checks and balances—our work is as important as ever.
In the days ahead, we know that we will contend with grief, despair, anger, and many other emotions. We also know we will still have to play offense as we defend gains made, particularly over the last four years, but stretching back across the lineage of Civil Rights and Indigenous Sovereignty movements in our country. And just as Common Future made the commitment earlier this year to center and support Black and Indigenous communities and their economic futures, we cannot and will not step back from the promises we have made to our communities. And we need the same from our funding partners if we are to navigate this moment in solidarity. ([link removed])
Acknowledging the pain of this moment, we need only look to the plight of our ancestors to remember that all is not lost. We are still here, and we will not back down.
Tuesday’s results made it clear that we must advance a new story about “the economy”—one that exists to serve human and environmental flourishing. We hope that Common Future can be a home for this new economic story and for our continued fight for justice.
In community,
—Common Future Co-CEOs
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