Chandramma’s hands were left raw and cramped from rolling, reeling and twisting silk threads in an Indian silkworm factory. How did she get trapped here? She just wanted to give her son a better life.
Instead, she was locked inside a tiny, dark cell — her 4-year-old child trapped beside her.
For six months, she had to make unfathomable decisions as a mother. Should she use their two-liter water rations to stave off dehydration, or to bathe her son and prevent further painful rashes and boils?
But you made sure that when Chandramma cried out for help one last time, someone was there to hear her.
At IJM, we believe all moms should live in freedom. Your support meant IJM could discover the workers trapped inside this silkworm factory, and partner with local police to rescue every single one of them — including Chandramma.
Today, Chandramma is a strong spokeswoman for the fight to end slavery, and she’s the mom she always dreamed of being for her son — one who can give him a life in freedom.
“Freedom to me is the way I am able to live my life right now. Even the fact that I am here today is because of the freedom I now have.”
Will you celebrate what it means to be a mom by giving the gift of freedom today?
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