EARN Community,
It goes without saying that this is an incredibly difficult moment. I’m still processing the election results, with a mix of grief, anger, and fear. I worry about what elected candidates’ open embrace of hatred—especially towards immigrants, people of color, LGBTQ+ people, and women—portends for our country and those communities. I know that racism, sexism, and xenophobia are not new to the American political system, but it is still deeply unsettling to see our slow, incremental progress away from those attitudes halted.
There were some positive outcomes in the election. Where they had the opportunity, voters across a range of political environments supported progressive policy measures to raise wages, expand paid leave, protect the right to abortion, strengthen collective bargaining rights, and reject efforts to defund public schools. I know many of you worked tirelessly to inform the debates on those issues in your states, and you should be proud of the progress you helped to achieve.
It has taken me a few days to get the point where I’m ready to start thinking about what we do now. You may not be there yet, and that’s okay.
As you do start to think about how you and your organization can continue to fight for economic justice, for racial and gender equity, for worker power, for democracy, for children and family wellbeing, and for thriving, sustainable communities, I invite you to also think about what this network can do together and what you need from national organizations like EPI to make your efforts most effective.
For the next few years, state and local governments may be the only venues for advancing any progressive, equity-enhancing policy. And if we are to have opportunity for progress again at the federal level, it must start with organizing, educating, and building power in local communities. EPI and the EARN team will do whatever we can to support you as you engage in that critical work.
If you have ideas you want to share with us, strategies you think worth amplifying, funding pitches you want us to make, or concerns you want to elevate, please do not hesitate to reach out.
We all know that workers’ rights and racial and gender equity are never handed to us; they must be fought for. I am proud to be in that fight with all of you.
In solidarity,
Dave Cooper
Director of EARN