Invoking Our Mother of Sorrows –
7 Holy Masses Nov 11-17 Submit
Your Intentions now!

Dear Friend,
With wars and conflicts raging
around the world, when so many are fearing for their lives, let us beg
Our Mother of Sorrows to end these tribulations.
Have you submitted your intentions
for the seven days of Holy Masses that will begin this coming Monday,
November 11?
Now is the time to call upon the
Mother of Jesus, whose own heart was pierced by a sword of sorrow
to submit your intentions for Seven Holy Masses,
from November 11-17, invoking Our Mother of Sorrows to intercede for:
~ Peace in the world.
~ Our deceased relatives, friends,
past co-workers, parishioners – all souls that you are praying
~ The Holy Souls in Purgatory,
especially those souls who have no one to pray for them, as well as
those who are suffering the most.
~ Divine Wisdom for all Bishops
attending the USCCB Fall Meeting, from Nov. 11–17.
~ The needs of Cardinal Raymond
~ Your Personal Intentions,
including your deceased loved ones and friends, as well as for those
who are living and experiencing heavy crosses.
After you submit your intentions, you
will automatically be enrolled in seven days of prayers, beginning
on Monday, November 11.
Through the Holy Masses offered,
along with the intercession of Our Mother of Sorrows, may a multitude
of holy souls be released from purgatory and enter into the New
Yours in the Sacred Heart of Jesus
and the Immaculate Heart of Mary,

Thomas McKenna
Founder and President
Catholic Action For Faith And Family
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