Dear John,
Will you make a phone call to feed hungry kids?
In just 24 hours, the U.S. House of Representatives may vote on a new COVID relief package, and it’s a critical chance to make sure hungry kids get the food they urgently require.
As unemployment soars, 1 child in 4 could face hunger in this country. And with the difficult summer months almost here, the situation for kids in low-income families could get even worse.
Call your representative and ask them to vote YES on the HEROES Act to strengthen SNAP for families and kids in need.
When you click you’ll see a simple script and step-by-step instructions for making your call. A phone call is an especially powerful way to register your support with your Representative. And it should take no more than two or three minutes.
The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) is one of the most effective ways to feed hungry children. This bill increases SNAP benefits for kids and struggling families and strengthens child nutrition programs, ensuring children continue to get the food they need during this crisis.
I know you care about childhood hunger and I am so grateful for your support.
Please, take two minutes seconds and send a message to your representative right now. Thank you for your help!

Lisa Davis Team No Kid Hungry